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Bridge the gap coaching - Cécile Guinnebault

You have the resources to succeed: let's go and find them.

Develop votre leadership
individually, with your peer or with your team,
thanks to a systemic coaching approach.

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My name is Cécile Guinnebault
and I’m delighted to welcome you.

If you are...

A senior executive wishing to be coached, individually or with your leadership team,

An HR professional, looking for one or more certified professional coaches to support your senior executives’ leadership development,

In charge of Executive Development Programmes, looking for experienced professionals to help you design, lead, or even coordinate international leadership programmes,

Looking for coaching formats and seasoned leadership coaches to meet your leaders’ specific development needs, beyond the traditional leadership development approaches they have already explored,

You are in the right place!

A certified executive and team coach, I have devoted my entire professional life to supporting leaders, managers and teams to define and achieve their professional goals.

My coaching principles

My coaching is systemic

Systemic coaching originates in the research led by Gregory Bateson at the Palo Alto Mental Reseach Insitute in the 1950s, and was later developed by Paul Watzlawick, Don D. Jackson and John Weakland as Brief Therapy. This powerful problem-solving approach reached the business world in the 1980s.

The systemic and strategic approach has several characteristics which meet the requirements of professional leadership coaching:

  • It is a brief approach, bringing observable results in 10 sessions maximum.
  • It is a non-pathological and empowering approach: nobody’s a culprit, and everybody can take part in making change happen.
  • It focuses on the here and now and not on the past.
  • It is interested in “how to do things differently” rather than in “how did we get here”.

On these premises, I have built my practice on 4 systemic principles:

My executive coaching model: understanding behaviours systemically
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Understanding behaviours systemically: building a bridge between the organisational context and the individual psyche

I firmly believe that all behaviours make sense when observed through a contextual lens, and that all behavioural change occurs through changes in relational patterns. My coaching and consulting experience help me to quickly understand my coachees' professional environment and to help them develop their ability to understand and navigate their organisation's implicit rules.

Coaching with strategic empathy: building a bridge between support and challenge

Finding the right dosage of support and challenge at each moment of the coaching relationship is a collaborative art. My relational posture is of course guided by my professional coach training and my ethical principles, but it is, above all, the outcome of active and constant adaptation to my coachees' needs. My questioning will not be the same when a person needs to be supported with a difficult emotion and when they are ready for change.

My executive coaching model: coaching with strategic empathy
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My executive coaching model: communicating with the whole self
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Communicating with the whole self: building a bridge between cognition and emotions

All behaviours are communication material, whether verbal or non-verbal. Deciphering behavioural patterns or feedback often involves moving away from jargon or polite euphemisms. My communication style goes as far as using the linguistic gap between French and English to bring a French touch of humour to my coaching conversations.

Helping my clients see the world through a different frame: building a bridge between logical and humanistic paradoxes of change

My coachees all have remarkable intellectual and analytical abilities. When explanation and rational understanding suffice to solve their challenges, they do not need coaching. It is precisely when these cognitive resources reach their limits that coaching becomes valuable. Whether individually, with peers or with their teams, I take my coachees though relational and emotional experiences to help them reframe the limiting emotions and beliefs that stand in their way to success.

My executive coaching model: helping my clients see the world through a different frame
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What my clients say about my coaching

  • Cécile is a jewel! She quickly understood where I wanted to go and found the best way to help me get there, asking what the best style was for me and matching that. Her questions were always supportive and challenging at the same time and they really made me think. It was a really precious experience for me.

    MT, Security and Defense Sector

  • Group coaching is all about discovering you are not alone as a leader…. And who better than peers to help you out with candid, genuine and experience-based feedback.

    JB, Luxury Sector

  • Cécile coached our team with great listening and a real understanding of our challenges. Her professional experience is a great asset to adapt to all profiles. Thank you for your precious help.

    AD, Pharmaceutical Sector

  • Taking a step back, seeing the big picture, slowing and cooling down, gave me the serenity and self-confidence I needed to address all the challenges of my professional life. I told my leadership team colleagues how beneficial our coaching sessions were on a personal level and how much they resonated with our daily lives. I therefore encouraged them to contact you so that they too could benefit from coaching with you.

    CD, Retail Sector

  • I had the pleasure of being coached by Cécile in 2021. My coaching clearly achieved its goal and did me a lot of good. Cécile is a highly experienced, reliable and trustworthy coach, with a great level of empathy. Questions, comments and sometimes advice were always relevant and timely. Cécile was able to both walk along my initial thoughts and push me much further than I would have thought possible. I highly recommend her professional support!

    BS, Consulting Sector

My last blog posts

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Development programmes: keeping the best from both worlds

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Accelerated Learning: a journey you won’t regret

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Did you ever physically experience “thinking out of the box”?

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Coaching client testimonial: my first coachee remembers

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